Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Where is God?

The Egyptians came to dread the Israelites and worked them ruthlessly. They made their lives bitter with hard labour... in all their hard labour the Egyptians used them ruthlessly. Exodus 1:12-14

When the closure of churches became inevitable in Eritrea and many brothers and sisters were taken to prison because of their Christian belief, Eritrean Christians could not understand what was happening to the believers in Eritrea. They came to the pastors and asked, “Where is God?”  It was the same with the people of Israel who suffered in Egypt.

At first, all went well with God's people in Egypt. The Pharaoh was kind to them and they prospered in this foreign country. However, 400 years later, the picture changed completely. The new Pharaoh did not know the story of Joseph. Also, the Israelites had increased in numbers to such an extent that they became a threat to the Egyptians.

Pharaoh's solution was to kill all newborn Israelite boys and to use the people for slave labour. The people suffered greatly. It seemed to them as though God had forgotten about them. But God never forgets His children.

Whenever Christians go through trials and hardships, the tendency of their hearts is to say, these things should not happen to me. God has promised us protection and provision during hard times. But as God's children, we should remember the true reality of the Christian life. God never promised that we will be exempted from all the troubles of life. In fact it was our Lord Jesus Christ who said in John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble.”

A certain Christian woman in Eritrea who found herself completely overwhelmed by the persecution, one day asked her pastor, “Do you think what is happening to us as Christians in Eritrea, happens to other Christians elsewhere? I feel our suffering is unique.” No, it is not. It may look different, but we are not the only people who are persecuted for our Christian faith.

As the Israelites suffered, God was already working to bring about their deliverance. Whenever we are in trouble as God's people, we are not sure what tomorrow will bring. But let us not doubt: God never forsakes His children.

Isn't that what the Lord was doing for the people of Israel? At the time that they suffered and doubted His fatherly love and care, the Lord was preparing Moses to set them free from their bondage in Egypt and to lead them to a land of great abundance. Did the people of Israel ask for that? Did they ask God to send Moses? No. God surprised Israel who doubted His faithfulness by sending Moses.

Beloved, do not doubt God and His true and precious promises. Our God is a God of surprises. He is the God of the impossible.  As an Eritrean, there are times that we think our cause is impossible even to God. Remember, what is impossible for man is always possible with God. Israel’s deliverance was possible for God.  If the things you face, cause you to question God's caring love for you, remember the story of Israel. While they doubted God, and believed that He had forgotten about them, He was already bringing about their salvation. So, as we deal with our tough situation, let us also consider it in faith. He is already in the process of bringing about our deliverance. 

As you do that, your heart might say but how? I see no sign of it? Remember that it was the same for the people of Israel.  They also said our cause is too complicated and hard to be solved.  But then Moses was sent.  We worship and wait upon the same God. What He did for the Israelites then, He can do for us today.  Let us keep trusting and believing His precious promise, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.”

Eritrean Pastor

1 comment:

  1. I just googled, Gods Promise for Eritrea and I came across to this amazing post. what a wonderful thing to see I am encouraged and refreshed. Yes we will wait in prayer for the living God the father of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ Amen. As the scripture says But as for me, I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me Micah 7:7

    may God bless you !
